Meet The Team

Family owned business

FluidChristeyns is a family owned business with a long history in hygiene. We began trading as Applied Chemicals NZ and became a licensed manufacturer and distributor in 1999. Applied Chemicals NZ was established in 1985 with John Anderson at the helm who ran the business successfully for 14 years together with his wife Marcia. They purchased the company in 1999 and became established as Applied Chemicals NZ, a licensed manufacturer and distributor of Applied Chemicals Australia’s products.

The company rebranded in 2017 to become Fluid Chemicals NZ at which time John and Marcia’s three children Mark, Kristen and Ben took over the mantle and ownership of the business together with their partners.   Both Ben and Kristen work within the business and Mark is very closely involved as a Director.

A new partnership was formed with family owned, multi-national Belgium based company Christeyns in April 2023.  This partnership is part of the company’s strategic plans to increase their share of the cleaning and hygiene market. As well as focusing on detergents and disinfectants, the new JV means FluidChristeyns can also provide services and sell the equipment developed by Christeyns' R&D and engineering departments. With our local and global technical expertise, we understand better than anyone the many challenges our customers face including legal and environmental requirements, quality and productivity standards and the need to innovate.  By joining a team of over 500 process and application specialists, FluidChristeyns can make a difference and help our customers increase their turnover and sustainability.

Family photo taken a few years ago at John & Marcia's 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrations.