We were delighted to be Platinum Sponsors of the DLANZ (Dry Cleaners and Launders Association of New Zealand) conference held in Auckland over the weekend. Ben Anderson (FluidChristeyns Managing Director) and Gerhard Coetzer (Technical Specialist Laundry Account Manager) were joined by Eric Brouwers and Jan Meijer from Christeyns Belgium and the Netherlands.  

Great to be able to call on our international colleagues who are actively working in the laundry space in Europe to support the work we are doing here in NZ.  We enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with many laundry owners from all over NZ and to talk about FluidChristeyns Puresan and Caretex concepts.  A great few days of networking and benefitting from the excellent speakers who were able to share their insights across a range of issues currently affecting the industry.  We look forward to a continued involvement with this organisation – well done on an executing an excellent event!